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CAS Board Application

CAS Board Applications are open for upcoming 2024-2025 juniors. A letter of recommendation is required for the application.

What is CAS?

PHUHS has created a series of videos for the PHUHS online CAS course. See the videos below for information about and its requirements at PHUHS.

Important CAS Downloads

These are all the documents that will help you complete your CAS requirement by the end of senior year.

CAS Handbook

Everything you need to know about CAS will be in this handbook. The appendices will also be there at the end of the document.

Year 2 "Where Am I Now?"

This checklist allows for seniors to self evaluate their progress in CAS prior to graduating. 


5 Stages of Service Learning

Service Learning is an important aspect of the IB Curriculum. The following file lists the five stages of it.

Understanding the Strands

Document highlighting similarities and differences between creativity, action and service. 

CAS Project Planning Sheet

This is the project planning sheet which needs to be completed in order to start your project. 

Candidate Checklist

This document is another checklist for students to evaluate their progress in CAS. 


How to Close an Experience

This document provides instructions on how to close a CAS experience upon completion.

Developing Your Project

PowerPoint helping you form your project.



Year 1 Review Paperwork

This paperwork must be completed at the end of junior year before the meeting with your supervisor.

Two Year Plan

Two year plan for class of 2022 and beyond (updated 8/28/21)



CAS Syllabus

Syllabus for CAS grading, assignments and descriptions.



Welcome to the official website of the Palm Harbor University High School CAS Advisory Board. Students may use this website to find important dates of upcoming events created by the CAS Board, qualification of activities for CAS for Palm Harbor, and necessary downloads. 


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Contact our CAS supervisor for answers to any questions you have about CAS.

© 2023 PHU CAS Board
Created by Hayden McEwan

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